Saturday, March 6, 2010

Welcome to CD's Blog-- A Place to Think

Welcome to my blog!

I envision this as a place to think-- to think about books, write stories, and enjoy some far-flung literary company. I'm glad you're reading this-- you may in fact be the first reader of this blog!

For now, this blog will have two parts:

1. The actual "blog" part, wherein I, the blogger, blog, and you, the reader, read, and perhaps comment.

I plan to mention books. In today's book market place either our selection is limited to the most current works "suggested for you" by the last place you bought books on line (you know who!) or we're overwhelmed by tiny on-line publishers, and have no way to sample all that is out there. I, CD, will list interesting titles, whether new or old, major or mini-published, as an added marketplace for your selection.

I welcome your comments. Keep it civil, keep it interesting, and maybe we'll all be famous together. Meanwhile, we'll keep one another company.

2. Veracity-- a serial novel. In this part, I will entertain you, with a serial novel. I will post a chapter as often as possible, I hope once a week but who knows. I hope that you'll enjoy it, come back once a week to catch the latest, and maybe even post a comment, back in section one.

Ok, here we go!