OK, here we go!
Here's the first chapter of my novella, Arkansas Uncut. It's offered for your reading pleasure, as a birthday present for the first year of Josefina's Sin. It's the ONLY place you can read Arkansas Uncut, and I will post the chapters every 5-7 days. And yes, it's meant to be funny!
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and now...
a Thursday in early October, in an election year, in the twenty first century:
Being a casino lawyer wasn’t as
interesting as it sounded. At
least not the parts that John handled.
In most ways he could have been counsel to a used car dealer. Breathy,
desperate messages from foreign females were definitely not par for the course.
John kept his clients on the straight and
narrow. In California, unless you
were associated with an Indian tribe, you were pretty much limited to cards and
bingo. The actual gaming part was
so closely regulated that there wasn’t much wiggle room for people to get in
trouble. John dealt with personnel
problems, security issues, the occasional crime, and some slip-and-fall type
personal injury. Certainly no way
to become a millionaire, and not exactly headline stuff.
John replayed the message once
again. She needed to see him. Today. This afternoon.
"Oh, please, please help me," moaned the accented voice before
hanging up. No name, no number. Just a voice that sent adolescent
shivers up his legs.
There was something about a damsel in
distress that got any guy going.
He pictured her with long, curling black hair, almond eyes, full red
lips, and a figure of lush yet perfect proportions, sheathed in a
form-following black dress. He
stopped himself before he could get to the fishnets.
Too bad, he thought. He had to leave at one thirty to be in
court at two. If she didn’t show up by the time he had to leave, she would just
have to miss him. If she showed up
at all. He was going to follow his routine, exactly as if she hadn’t called.
For the first time in ten years, John
worked at his desk through lunch.
She probably weighs three hundred pounds,
he told himself as he picked at a bag of nuts he kept in a drawer for afternoon
snacks. I won’t give her another
moment’s thought. He doodled a
sketch of Jessica Rabbit on his notepad.
He straightened the aqua-blue tie that
matched his eyes. He practiced his
putting with the putt-return kit he had on his carpet. It was almost one, too late to go get a
sandwich. He would just have to
wait until after the hearing to eat.
So he might as well stay in the office until it was time to go.
At exactly one o’clock, the outer door of
John’s office opened. John’s head
snapped up as he sliced the putt into his desk. At his door stood a woman.
Well, he had expected a woman. But this woman had hair that cascaded
in waves of honey-gold from the crown of her head, at least six feet off the
ground, down to her waist. Her
eyes were green, large, and heavily made up in a tawdry but bone-thrillingly
exotic way. Legs that started at
high-heeled silver pumps rose indefinitely, until they reached an emerald silk
dress that wrapped its way around broad hips, narrow waist and voluptuous
bosom. Only the fishnets were
Cue the Jessica Rabbit music.
“I am Vanessa,” she said, taking his hand in both of
hers. “I am so glad you will help
me.” She pulled his hand to her cleavage.
“Blatt!” John sputtered. He started to
pull his hand away, but she held it close. He would have to be a bully to pull back with the force it
would take to dislodge himself from between her copious breasts. Or be in a coma to want to resist. “Ms. uhm, I’m sorry,” he tried again.
“Alturai. It is Turkish,” she said. She put the accent on the I.
“Ms. Alturai, please, come in and sit
down,” John finally got out.
“Please, Attorney Samuelson, you must
call me Vanessa.”
“Sit down, please.”
Vanessa finally released John’s
hand. He pulled out the chair for
her, and watched as she smoothed her skirt over her rounded back-side, before
seating herself. He
“I haven’t got much time,” he
started. “I need to leave for
court in twenty minutes.
Please. Tell me how I can
help you.” He forced his face into
a neutral, professional mode.
“I am so terrified. I am desperate. You must help me.”
“Ms. Alturai. Vanessa. Tell
me, if you can, what kind of a problem you have.”
Vanessa bit her full lower lip. John
stared. Finally, she took a deep,
heaving breath. “Michelangelo
Carmini, at Mesa Casino, he wants to force me to have his baby. He will force me, Attorney Samuelson,
and I do not want to have his baby.
I do not want him anywhere near my,” she glanced down to where she did
not want him, and John’s eyes, willy nilly, followed hers.
“Uh, why? Why would Mike want you to have a child with him?” His voice
“You know him. I know. You
call him Mike, like everyone else, but you know his real name. He tells, he told me about you, a long time ago, about the time with the bingo
machines. He said you were honest,
and brave, and courageous, and the best attorney money can buy. But I know you will help me, you
will. I know. You must not let him force me!”
“Now, relax, Vanessa. Take a deep breath.” John certainly did. “Now start at the beginning. But quickly, as I do have to
leave.” He glanced at his
watch. “In about ten minutes. So, in summary form, what are you
talking about?”
“Some reform? What does it mean, some reform?”
“Summary form. The short version.”
“No. I am not a virgin.”
“Version! No, don’t get upset.
I just need you to tell me what is going on, but you need to tell it
quickly. Or you can come
back. I’ll be back by four. You can come back then, and take all
the time you need. Do you want to
do that?”
“Oh, no! It will be too late by then!”
“But Attorney, don’t you see? He will take me, and drag me to the
back of the bingo parlor, where it is very, very dark, and tear my clothings
off, and force me to have his baby!”
“This afternoon?”
“It is my fertile time. Oh,” she wailed, “you will not help
me. You are a man. You cannot understand how terrible, how
humiliating, it is to be subject to a man’s whim!” Tears formed in those beautiful, if over-made up eyes. One overflowed its limpid pool, and
trickled down her cheek. The
makeup didn’t run. “If you will
not hide me, and shield me, I am at his mercy!”
“What would you have me do?” he asked
“Find my sister.”
“Your sister? Why your sister?”
“Or put your baby in me, now, to block
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